I will add to this as time goes on. These are books I read and music I listened to and still listen to today. Everything positive helps.
Bible - Predominantly Psalms but also Joel & Hebrews
Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
After the Locusts - Jan Coleman
Why you do the Things you do - Timothy E Clinton
Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude - Napoleon Hill
The Secret - Rhonda Byrne
The Power - Rhonda Byrne
Law of Attraction - Connie Domino
Ask and It is Given - Abraham-Hicks
The Law of Attraction - Abraham-Hicks
Wishcraft - Barbara Sher (currently reading)
For the music I Googled "positive music playlist" and got some great ideas for songs. Then I went to Grooveshark where I could stream music for free (stream, not download). I created a playlist and I play that music almost daily, usually when I'm getting ready for work in the morning or cleaning.
Some of the songs did not fit the mood I wanted so I deleted them, but most of them I kept. I also added some of my favorite gospel songs into the mix.
I chose the music I did because I realized that if I went out into my day after listening to a sad country song I would then be sad for the majority of the day. Usually the last song you hear in your car is what will play in your head when you get out. So I stopped playing the radio. When I had to have music I switched to a gospel station. Not contemporary Christian, but gospel with choirs singing Just as I am and How Great Thou Art. It really helped to uplift me. It also helped me fight away bad thoughts and memories. Whenever I would start to think about something that hurt me and I would feel like crying I would sing the chorus to Carman's Do I Do -
Do I do, yes, I say, trust in you, Lord, all the way. Do I do, yes, I
say, trust in you all the way.
That reminded me that God was with me and that no matter what I could trust him.
Here is my playlist from Grooveshark:
Do you have any others I should add?
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